viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2020


Homeschooling November 13, 2020

A) Let´s watch this video and match  Column A with Column B. There is an extra letter
Miremos este video y combinemos Columna A con Columa B. Hay una letra de más

Column A


Column B

1)     Emily and Ana are going to see


a)Make some sandwiches

2)     On Saturday they are going to


b)Ride bicycles

3)     The weather is going to be


c)browse the internet

4)     On Saturday Ana is going to


d)Sunny and warm

5)     On Sunday Emily is going to


e)Some friends on Friday evening



f)read a book and relax

b) What about you? What are you going to do next weekend ?
y vos que vas a hacer el fin de semana?

Look at the pcitures and write two of your plans for next weekend
Mira las imágenes y escribe dos de tus planes para el fin de semana

Example / ejemplo

I am going to dance

Now it is time to relax !!
have a wonderful weekend !!

                                            Karin and Mabel

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