viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2020


Homeschooling November 13, 2020

A) Look !! This is Emma ´s photo. She is describing her family ´s activities . Can you complete her sentences ?
Mira !! Esta es la foto de Emma. Ella está describiendo las actividades de su familia. Puedes completar sus oraciones?

Word bank (for both activities / para las dos actividades

playing table tennis -Skating  - talking  - flying a kite – taking a shower -riding a bicycle – cooking swimming -  running  - playing with balloons  - playing the guitar 

1)      My cousins Keila and Kevin are ……………………………

2)      My sister Cindy is ……………………………………………

3)      My Father Fran and my mother Milie are ………………………………………

4)      My uncle Andres and my aunt Anna are ………………………………………………….

5)      My brother Billy is …………………………………………

6)      My friend Brenda is …………………………………….

7)      My sister Cecy is ……………………………………

B) My family and I are in our house now . Can you guess what we are doing?  Listen  !!!!
Mi familia y yo estamos en nuestra casa. ahora  Podes adivinar que estamos haciendo? Escucha !!

click on the  links  Mother, Father, Sister and Brother !!!!

1) My mother is ..........................................

2) My father is ...............................................

3) My sister is .................................................

4) My brother is ..............................................

Now it is time to relax !!

have a wonderful weekend !!!

                             Karin and Mabel

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