viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2020

Friday, September 4, 2020


Hi everybody !!!!! How are you ??!!!

What is your opinion about the future ?

Cual es tu opinion acerca del futuro?

A) Choose one of the words between parenthesis

Elige una palabra que está entre paréntesis

1) People will live (in cities / in the country / in another planet)

2) People will eat (natural food / artificial food )

3) People will travel (in flying cars / water cars / electric cars)

4) We will use  (wind / solar / water ) energy

5)  The weather will be (hot / very hot / very cold / warm )

6) Children will study with ( teachers /robots / their family )

7) The water on our planet will be (clean / contaminated)

8) We will live only in (appartments / houses / appartments and houses)

9) We will read (paper books and e-books/ only e-books)

10) We will travel to other (planets / galaxies )

B) Now draw a  picture of the future you imagine

and send it  by email

Ahora dibuja una imagen del futuro que vos imaginas y envíalo por mail

See you !!

have a nice weekend !!

Karin and Mabel

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