viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2020


                                                                  Friday , September 4, 2020

                       Hi Everybody !!  How are you ?!!!!

What is your opinion about the future?

Cuál es tu opinión acerca del futuro?

Choose one of the words betweeen parenthesis

Elige una de las palabras entre paréntesis

1)      People will live in (houses / appartments / houses and appartments)

2)      People will eat (artificial food / natural food )

3)     Children will study with (teachers / robots / their families)

4)      People will live in (cities / country / in another planet)

5)      The weather will be (very hot / very cold/ cold and hot)

6)      We will go on holidays to (other planets / to the moon / to other galaxies)

7)      The water in our planet will be (clean / contaminated)

8)      People will travel in (solar powered / flying/ swimming ) cars

9)      We will use (solar / wind / water ) energy

10)   We will read  (paper books /only  e books/ paper and ebooks)

Now draw a picture of the future you imagine and send it to our email account

Ahora haz un dibujo de como te imaginas el futuro y envialo a nuestra cuenta de correo

see you !!

have a nice weekend !!

Karin y Mabel

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