viernes, 21 de agosto de 2020


Friday , August 21

Lucy :HI Everybody ¡!!! hola a todos !!

Can you see me ? /  me pueden ver

I have short curly hair and freckles

Am I  A, B, C o D? / Soy yo A, B, C o D?

Choose the correct letter / elige la letra correcta

HI !! I am Kevin,Lucy ¨s brother !!  Hola !! Yo Soy Kevin, el hermano de Lucy !!

Look at me and color the right underlined word / mirame y colorea la palabra subrayada correcta

My name is Kevin . I have (glasses / freckles)

I have (curly / straight)  hair

I have (long / short) hair

My eyes are (big / small)


Karin and Mabel

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