viernes, 21 de agosto de 2020

Friday, August 21

A) Look at Tom ´s routines !! 
He is very busy every day !!

Mirá las rutinas de Tom. 
EL esta muy ocupado todos los ´dias !!


Now Tom is telling his friend about his routines  but....
Ahora Tom le esta contantdo  a su amigo acerca de sus rutinas pero .....

Tom is mixing his words !!!! help him to put the sentences in order !!
Tom esta mezclando las palabras !! ayúdalo a poner las oraciones en orden !!!

1) breakfast - have - I  ..............................................
2) watch - I - television ............................................
3) sofa - sleep - the  - I - on - go - to ........................
4) garden - play - I - the  - in ....................................
5) for - I - walk - go - a .............................................

B) Please watch the video and write five routines you can listen to
Mira el video y escribe 5 rutinas que escuchas 

1- ...................................................
2- ....................................................
3- ....................................................
4- ....................................................

goodbye !!
see you next Monday in our online class !!
Karin y Mabel

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