viernes, 7 de agosto de 2020

Homeschooling August 7

 Hi Everybody !!!

Circle one of the words between parenthesis and create your story

Redondea un palabra de las palabras entre paréntesis y crea tu relato

Paul / Ana is a (cook/ teacher/ mechanic). (He/ She) gets up at 

(6 / 7 / 8) o´clock in the morning. (He / She) drinks (tea/ coffee/ milk) and (he / she ) eats (cookies / toast / cereal ) for breakfast.

Later (he / she )  goes to the (restaurant / school / garage) by (car/ bus / train) . (He / She ) works ( a little / a lot ) . At midday 

(he /she ) eats (salad/ pizza / pasta )  with (his / her) (friends /family / mother ) for lunch 

After work , at five o´clock (he / she ) (rides a bicycle/ talks to friends / dances ) . Later (he / she )  (reads books / sings songs / listens to music). Before dinner (he / she)  (takes a shower/ watches TV/ does gym). At (10 /11 / 12)  (he /she ) goes to bed.

(Paul / Ana ) is very (happy / tired / sad).

* Now copy the story you created and illustrate it

Ahora copia el relato que creaste e ilústralo

and ... have a wonderful week!!!

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