viernes, 7 de agosto de 2020

 Hi Everybody !!

Make your own story !!!

Haz tu propio relato !!!

The (girl/ boy ) is from (Egypt/Italy/ Australia). (He/ she ) is  (10 / 13/ 15 ) years old. (Her / his ) birthday is in (January / May / Decmeber) (He/she ) lives in a (big / small / enormous) (castle/ house/ apartment)  in the (forest / mountains/ city)(he / she ) has got (a brother / a sister / a cousin).

(He/ she ) likes  (singing/ skating / painting) and (he / she ) is good at (cooking/ dancing/ playing table tennis)

Now (he / she ) is (watching videos / playing football/ riding a bicycle) with (his /her) (mother / friends / family). (he / She ) is (happy / sad/ tired

* Now write the story again only with the options you chose

Ahora escribe el relato nuevamente sólo con las opciones que elegiste

Good !! 

now ..... have a wonderful week !!!

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