sábado, 17 de octubre de 2020


Homeschooling October 16, 2020

A) Natural disasters in History


Pompeii was a Roman town in southern Italy. On 24 August 79AD was buried under volcanic ash and rock following the eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius. Most of the people who lived there were killed.

The town was excavated 1,600 years later and the remains of many items, buildings and people were found in a ‘petrified’ state (as they were at the time of the eruption).

Today Pompeii is a tourist destination where you can walk through the streets of what was once the first-century Roman city of Pompeii.


volcano ashes  


A) Read the text and write true or false next to the sentence

1) The volcano was in Mount Vesuvious

2) Pompeii is in Spain

3)  They discovered the town 600 years later

4) A lot of people were killed

5) Now you can walk in Pompeii

B)  Investigate about a Natural disaster in History

what kind of disaster was it?

when did it happen?

What were the consequences?

have a nice weekend !!!!


Karin and Mabel

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