viernes, 16 de octubre de 2020


Homeschooling October 16, 2020

A) It is time for a tongue twister
Es momento de un trabalenguas

Listen to this audio and then practise it in a loud voice
Escucha este audio y luego practicalo en voz alta

                              Tongue Twister

If you want to buy buy

If you don’t want to buy bye bye!!!

B) Watch this video and fill in the blanks in the dialog
Mira este video y completa los espacios en blanco en el diálogo

Grocer > what can I do for you ?

Customer >  I would like a bunch of 1) ……………………. and a 

kilo or red 2) ……………..

Grocer >  I am afraid we only have 3) ………………………… apples left

Is that alright?

Customer > yes, that will be fine

Grocer > anything else?

Customer >  yes, have you got any 4) ……………………………?

Grocer >  yes, we have got both green and 5) ……………………….. olives. Which one do you prefer?

Customer >  I would like a jar of green olives

Grocer >  here you are

Customer >  how much does it 6) ………………………………..?

Grocer > it is 10.75 dollars

Customer > here you are

Grocer > and here is your change and 7) …………………………

Customer> thank you !! see you soon

Grocer > 8) ………………………………… for coming Bye !!

have a nice weekend !!        

                                                                      Karin and Mabel

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