viernes, 9 de octubre de 2020

5to Grado - Inglés 9/10


Hello everyone! How are you today? We hope you're fine and taking care of yourselves, as always. Let's continue learning about the different places where we shop.

1) Let’s revise! Play the game and sort the objects according to where you would buy them. (A repasar: Jugá el juego y ordená los objetos depende de dónde los comprarías.CLICK HERE TO PLAY.

2) Listen and read: Go to the Students’ Book, page 46. Read and listen to what Caitlin says about her family. Then, read the sentences. Are they true or false? (Escuchá y leé: Vamos al libro, página 46. Leé y escuchá lo que Caitlin cuenta sobre su familia. Después leé las oraciones: ¿Son verdaderas o falsas?) CLICK HERE TO LISTEN.

3) Choose and write. Go to the Students’ Book, page 47. Tag each photo with the correct name. (Elegí y escribí. En la página 47 del libro, escribí el nombre correcto debajo de cada foto.)

4) Show and tell. Share something you’ve bought this week:

  • Record a video of yourself buying something.
  • Share a photo and describe it.
  • Draw a picture and describe it.
  • Send an audio explaining what you’ve bought.
  • Write a description of what you’ve bought and where.
(Para compartir: Mostrá algo que hayas comprado esta semana. Podés grabar un video, compartir una foto, hacer un dibujo, enviar un audio explicativo, o escribir una descripción.)

All right! That's it for today. We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Lots of love,
Karin and Mabel

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