viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2020

Homeschooling September 18, 2020

Hi Everybody !!!!

A) Now , watch the video and fill in the blanks in the song with the correct word
Ahora mira el video y completa los espacios en la canción con la palabra correcta





1/ ………………………hair,

2 / …………………… or long,

3/ Straight or …………………,

4/ brown or blonde.

5/ Tall or short.

6/ Strong or weak,

7 / Skinny or chubby, That is me!

8 / Everybody’s different, And that’s ok.

9 /Everybody’s different. Hooray!

10/ ………………. or freckles

11 /………….. cheeks,

12 / Glasses, ……………………,

13 / Look good on me!

14 / Dark or brown,

15 / Lightly tanned, Fair skin is what I’ve got!

16 / Everybody’s different, And that’s ok.

17 / Everybody’s different. Hooray!

18 / Everybody’s different, And that’s ok.

19 / Everybody’s different. Hooray!

B) Now draw a person you know and highlight  the correct word between parenthesis about that person

Ahora dibuja una persona que tu conoces y resalta la correcta palabra entre paréntesis acerca de esa persona

This person is ………………………… (write the person s name)

 (He/She) is (tall / short)

  (He/She)  has got  (long / short )  hair

 (He/She) has got (wavy /curly / straight)  hair

 (He/She) has got  (a fringe /braces/ freckles )

  (He/She) has got   a (big / small / medium) nose

   (He/She) has got (brown / black / blue / green)  eyes


Happy Student´s Day and Happy Spring Day

see you next Monday !!

Karin and Mabel

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