viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

6to y 7mo Grado - Inglés - Viernes 29 de Mayo

Today is Friday, May 29th

Scrapbook collections | Pebbles - Hey! Hello! - Pink and Paper ...

It's Friday again! I hope you've had a wonderful week! Let's continue working with ROUTINES.

(¡Es viernes de nuevo! Espero que hayan tenido una hermosa semana. Vamos a continuar trabajando con las RUTINAS.)

1) We worked with these pictures las week, remember? You are going to listen to an audio in which I tell you about my day. Put the actions in order.

(Trabajamos con estas fotos la semana pasada, ¿se acuerdan? Van a escuchar un audio en el que les cuento sobre mi día. Pongan las acciones en orden)


2) Now, read the following text and then answer the questions below:
(Ahora, leé el texto y respondé las preguntas.)

Every Friday, Daniel, the math teacher has a competition for the students. Sometimes they use cards, sometimes they play "math basketball". Other times they have multiplication problems.
This Friday, it's a new game: they solve math problems in their head. Marcos and Silvia are in the final. Problem after problem, Marcos and Silvia answer correctly.
In the end, Daniel gives them a very difficult problem (remember: they are solving the problems in their heads!). Marcos says the answer is 20 and Silvia says the answer is 18. Finally, there is a winner!

  • Who wins the game? Circle only the 4s and 6s and you will see the answer.
(¿Quién gana el juego? Hacele un círculo a todos los 4s y 6s y tendrás la respuesta-)
  • Name 3 people in the story (Mencioná tres personas que aparezcan en la historia): _____________, _____________ and __________.
  • Where does the story happen? (¿Dónde sucede la historia?)
                 a) In the playground            b) In the bathroom            c) In the classroom
  • What is the problem in the story? (¿Cuál es el problema en la historia?)
                 a) The competition is on Friday.
                 b) Carlos and Silvia answer all the questions correctly.
                 c) Carlos and Silvia answer all the questions incorrectly.

That's it for today. Remember to send in the answers to your forms' email. (Recuerden mandar las respuestas al mail de su grado.)
Have a nice weekend!
I love you and miss you,