Today is Friday, May 29th

It's Friday again! I hope you've had a wonderful week! We are going to continue working with the elements in nature, but this time, we are going to watch a short film.
(¡Es viernes de nuevo! Espero que hayan tenido una hermosa semana. Vamos a continuar trabajando con los elementos de la naturaleza, pero, esta vez, vamos a ver un corto.)
1) Before you watch: Answer the questions below.
Do you like videogames?
Do you like nature?
Have you ever been camping?
(Antes de mirar: respondé las preguntas.
¿Te gustan los videojuego
¿Te gusta la naturaleza?
¿Alguna vez fuiste de camping?)
2) Watch the short film "Sounds of Nature" HERE.
3) What do you think happened at the end? (¿Qué creés que pasó al final?)
4) Have you ever imagined that everything around you is part of a videogame? Try to do it now. in your house. What can you come up with? Draw it or share pictures! (¿Alguna vez te imaginaste que todo a tu alrededor era parte de un videojuego? Tratá de hacerlo ahora, en tu casa. ¿Qué se te ocurre? ¡Dibujalo o sacá fotos!)

That's it for today.
Until next Friday!
I love you and miss you,